星期四, 六月 16, 2011

everything is so hard and i feel like giving up

everything is so hard
and i feel like giving up

everything in life is hard

my dream..
vet an cello

even to keep in touch with someone
i mean to keep a relationship good condition
maybe i not a good friend
or maybe i just don't know how to tell them how much i care about them
i won't act like i am so concern about you when i am sure that you are 100% no problem..
i hate acting
my dream is not to be an actress
maybe sometimes many people concern about you
and i just keep quiet
that is because i know you are alright
i don't like to ask something useless

yea yea
i feel like i don't like piano
and now my new musical instrument target is cello
yea yea
hard task huh
i don't know how to tell my mum i want to learn cello
and i feel like giving up piano
i want to concentrate my cello if i got a chance to learn it.
but i'm afraid i will become boring after few years...
just like my piano

i have so many idea that how can i meet her up at aus..=.=
i am a stalker=.=
i know the way to contact her=.=
i know where to wait for her if i go to aus=.=
if i can't wait for her...
i still got a idea that i sure can meet her
just if she got time for a cello class
i can pretend wanted to learn every cello teacher's skill
if i got a chance to learn cello..
why can i have so many idea just because i wanted to meet you??
i feel so unbelievable


